H&H Boal 10 Yr Madeira

Henriques & Henriques, is the only Madeira producer to own vineyards. The company uses the most recent technical innovations, but at the same time, maintains the family traditions of almost 200 years of producing fine Madeira wines. The full control of every aspect of its production has enabled H&H to nurture and sell wines of exceptional quality.
The Canteiro process is employed for all 10, 15, and 20 year old Madeiras from H&H, where the wine is heated naturally in barrels over some months to enhance concentration and consistency. Boal produces a rich medium sweet style and exhibits delicious mouthwatering acidity. A spicy, medium bodied wine with great depth, combining acidity and sweetness. Flavors of toffee and demerara sugar caramel resonate on the palate. The perfect dessert accompaniment, serve with vanilla ice cream.